Cat Stairway To Heaven and Sweet Kittens Play On Nine Patch Squares

This Cats Wall Quilt Will Warm Your Heart.
Playful kitties are one of the nicest things to watch. Capture the scene with cute kitties in playtime fun on a wall quilt . The quilt features silhouette kittens against a smokey blue night sky and low hanging moon. Fabric scraps are all that is needed to make the patchwork stairway to heaven.
Appliquéd kitties frolic up and down the nine-patch stairs of this wall hanging. Use blue smokey fabric for the night sky, and a soft white to create the glow of the moon. The silhouette cats are so photogenic, they provide a mesmerizing display on the wall, warming the hearts of every cat lover who sees it.
Stitch up nine patch blocks using 2 1/2 inch strips, and choose your layout. The pattern provides cat templates that will print out in reverse for use with freezer paper or fusible web appliqué, available here. The cats are too cute cut out in black and it’s just too much fun placing each kitty on the stairway! The silhouette cat blocks can be used for almost any project. It’s really cute on that tote!
The Cat Stairway To Heaven pattern was issued as a free pattern from a McCalls Quilting issue way back in 1997. We’re so lucky to have found it still available.
Finished quilt 56 1/2″ x 56 1/2″