Fabric Gift Tags From Your Itty Bits Of Fabric

All Your Fabrics Bits Make Perfect Fabric Gift Tags.
Fabric scraps are always put to good use. There are so many fun quilty projects to use up scraps and sometimes they result in the best projects. But this particular project is the ultimate for those itty bitty fabric scraps and orphan blocks that are taken out of the bag… and put back. Debbie of A Quilters Table got into a fix last Christmas eve and ran out of gift tags. In a flash, out came the scraps and in no time she had made these adorable quilted fabric gift tags! These gift tags can be made for any gift.
I’m not sure if I’ll ever buy gift tags again after this one. They’re adorable, and I doubt these special gift tags will be thrown out with the Christmas wrap. I’m certain they’ll be added to one of those shoeboxes of little treasures. They’re personalized gift tags and no two alike, ever! So easy to make especially if there are a couple of holiday orphan blocks just waiting to be appreaciated. There’s still time to fit a couple of these in.
Debbie had some red shipping tags on hand. The tags look great, the right color and nice and crisp. For the fabric tags she used the 4 3/4″ x 2 3/8″ size. From one half finished quilt block she cut 2″ x 3 1/2″ pieces, and got several rectangles out of that scrap fabric block.
Then stitch around the rectangles edge right onto the shipping tag. Add some twine… Debbie cut her twine about 12 inches long. Then write a message on the back of the card! These bright red tags are perfect to tie onto your gifts. Any fabric will do since the fabric scraps needed are so little. They’re so quick to make and even quicker if you have holiday block to cut from.