Poinsettia Table Topper In Bright Colors and Prints

Make This Verstatile Table Topper In Any Fabric.
I fell in love with this ‘splashy’ table topper. The design is so versatile, it can be used for so many projects, for gifts as well as around the home. This easy pattern can be made for any season by the fabric used.
The huge blocks of the topper make up a bold poinsettia, with red and green prints adding vibrancy. It is a stunning Christmas topper in these holiday fabrics! I can see this quilt in any seasonal fabric and especially Spring and Summer. To capture a similar effect, start putting together four different fabrics for the poinsettia block. Any red and green will do for Christmas, even though they might not be exactly Christmas. With a less traditional color scheme and just enough to capture the season, the topper can still be used even after the holiday festivities have passed.
The topper is made up of four blocks and sews up really quick due to their size. Each block has a 4 1/2″ primary square, 4 1/2″ x 6 1/2″ seconday petals and so on. The the bold poinsettia’s are great to show off medium to large scale prints.
Designer Kelly, from My Quilt Infatuation, has a great tip for piecing the block in stages, cutting time and energy running back and forth to press. My favorite idea is to fussy cut your fabric for the center square, no doubt, this Cardinal is just perfect! For the featured topper Kelly used Kate Spains 2015 fabric line Jingles. Kate Spains “Merry Merry’ fabric line would also be striking.