Turn 2 1/2″ Scraps Into A Log Cabin Block

Use Up Piles Of Scraps For An Eye Catching Quilt
Log cabin blocks are fun to put together and makes a colorful scrappy quilt. Try this unique idea of using 2 1/2″ squares to make colorful logs for the dark, together with white for a vibrant colorful quilt.
Choose random colors from scraps or coordinate color if you choose. White is used for the light side, or choose a color that goes well with your scraps. Using the same method to make a log cabin block, this graph paper pattern makes it easy to see 2 1/2″ square placements.
JennR8R from Quilting Board figured out an easy way to use up 2 /12″ scraps to make up the logs, which turned out to be the prettiest scrappy, and a bright and colorful Barnraising quilt. Starting by sewing one scrap square to a white square, Jenn continued to construct the entire block, by sewing a white strip, then a number of log strips composed of two 2.5” scraps, completing the block with white strips.
Jenn explains her method here:
My version of this block is made with 2.5” scrap squares and white strips. The finished block is 10.5” unfinished.
1. A graph paper pattern to use for placement
2. Sew a 2.5” scrap square and 2.5” white square together
3. Sew a 2.5” x 4.5” white strip “log” to #2
4. Sew a 2.5” x 4.5” log strip composed of two 2.5” scrap blocks to #3
5. Sew a 2.5” x 6.5” log strip composed of three 2.5” scrap blocks to #4
6. Sew a 2.5” x 6.5” log strip composed of three 2.5” scrap blocks to #5
7. Sew a 2.5” x 8.5” log strip composed of four 2.5” scrap blocks to #6
8. Sew a 2.5” x 8.5” white log strip to #7
9. Sew a 2.5” x 10.5” white log strip to #8
10. Finished block
While the blocks can be used for almost any log cabin setting, Jenn’s Barn Raising quilt is stunning using this method. The design provides lot of room for beautiful quilting.
An inspiring method to get started on cutting scraps into 2 1/2″ squares, ready to make a stunning quilt, that is also easy and fun to construct. In her free tutorial Jenn provides images on constructing the block, as well as a closer look at the quilting.