Teacups Quilt Embellished With Vintage Hankies

Put Your Vintage Hankies On Display With A Teacup Wall Hanging.
If teacups in your quilting is one of your favorite, this beautiful Tea Party block with the addition of a doily or vintage style hanky simply adds all the charm you can think of.
Use scraps for the teacups, or select your favorite fabrics. Many quilt designs provide an opportunity to include teacup quilt blocks, however, one of the most charming is Tea Party by Eleanor Burns. The block is pieced, not paper pieced, and surprisingly quick and easy. Embellish the block by stitching a vintage hanky or dainty doily beneath each cup.
Here is an inspiring idea for a wall quilt. Eleanors pattern suggests 3 teacups in a row for a quaint mini quilt.
The teacup block could be used in a similar layout as Karla Alexander’s quilt pattern (this one found in her book Stack The Deck). Mary of Mary Huey Quilts chose muted florals maintaining a vintage feel, and despite the activity of the alternating blocks, the teacups still feature. Embellish with hankies or lace, or not.
Eleanor’s Burns Tea Party teacup pattern also has instructions to make a quaint mug rug, a great gift for a special friend. The pieced teacup pattern has an optional pocket to put in a teabag! The pattern includes a rectangle ruler for the perfect square up.
Watch Eleanors video showing how to make a teacup quilt block.