A Charm Pack And A Little Chenille For A Soft Sweet Pinwheel Baby Quilt

Make Your Pinwheels and Prairie Points Baby Quilt Extra Cuddly.
A bright colored baby quilt for a happy bouncy baby. Pinwheels always seem to make quilt look ‘happy’. Use a mix of florals and fresh white for a cheerful quilt. This pinwheel baby quilt sews up using just one charm pack and a little yardage. Try using Chenille for the backing fabric. It feels nice tucking baby in with the chenille so soft and warm.
Make the quilt using Moda’s charm pack ‘Snippets’ by American Jane or any fabric of your choice. Pinwheels are pretty in any fabric. Soft powder pinks, pinky florals and white with pinwheels for a baby girl just irristable. Using pre cuts save time on cutting, and the colors are already worked out for you which is great. However the quilt only uses 24 charm squares cut in half for the pinwheels. The remaining 16 charms are cut into four to make 2 1/2 inch squares for the prairie points. It’s not too many to cut.
Use similar fabrics from stash and left over fabric pieces that are large enough to cut a 5″ square. Look out for left over charm squares. Besides the charms or 5″ squares, you will only be needing 1 1/4 yard of neutral, for the background, 1/3 yard for the binding and 1 1/4 yard of chenille for the backing. The project is small and easy to quilt on a home machine.
Meander the quilt with a loopy free motion, which makes the chenille look even softer. Or quilt a flower along the border, and meander the center of the quilt.
This pretty pinwheel baby quilt is available in a free tutorial from Moda. Cynthia from Dream Quilt Create had this great idea to use chenille for a softer more cuddly baby quilt.