A Feathered Star Block For All Seasons

Contrast Makes This Feathered Star Block Shine.
Use your creativity for any combination of fabrics you choose. Just 4 fabrics make this no-Y-seams striking star. Use the stars to make a snowflake quilt, wall hangings, and seasonal decor.
Start off choosing one fabric that is the lightest of your color choice, and one that slides to the darkest side of the scale for an extreme contrast. Choose solids and if using small print fabrics, take care with directional prints. The star is striking using just three colors, and the fourth fabric could be white to create a crisp definition to enhance the star. Alternatively, use lighter colors for the star and a deep rich color for the background.
A super easy pattern to follow with applicable unit letters. The designer suggests Jessie Ziegler of Threaded Quilting suggests following the chart to rough cut fabrics. To stay organized group the fabrics with the paper templates as you cut. Jessie pattern guide is loaded with tips for success such as lining up points by placing pins perpendicular to begin with. Then placing more pins to secure the pieces together. Once everything is in place, remove the floating pins ready to sew.
Be prepared with a 6″ Add a Quarter ruler, available here. Jessie also suggests using a Stileto, which helps you feed fabric evenly from the beginning to the end of the seam. Plus, if held properly, the fabric doesn’t shift.
The Feathered Star is constructed using paper piecing to achieve accuracy and a crisp block. There is also no Y-seam! The center of the star is the perfect display for fussy cut prints. The star can be used for any season. It makes a beautiful snowflake. Fabric placement can change the star dramatically. Jessie suggests using the Recolor App to change the color of quilt blocks, see it here. It’s great fun and good guide. Choose your own fabrics and use the guide for color choices and placement.
For further instruction watch Jessie’s 9 video series How To videos here. The pattern includes 3 different size block templates, 8″,12″ and 16″. You will be asked to give your email address in order for Jessie to send you her awesome pattern! It’s an art and an education!