Add Elmer To Your Baby Quilt If Patchwork Elelphants Are Your Favorite

Scrappy Quilt Is Extra Huggy With Elmer The Patchwork Elephant.
If you have a weakness for patchwork elephants, then Elmer is going to steal your heart. This whimsical happy elephant will be a very good reason to take cozy naps, go on a picnic,(to take Elmer along), or go to bed early and get some beauty sleep, just to get an extra cuddle with your ellie quilt.While the quilt idea is based on a baby quilt, why not make your own Elmer throw.
This bright and colorful scrap quilt will be beautiful as a throw on the sofa for winter or summer. Make the quilt reversible and use dark grey as the backing. When the quilt is thrown on the sofa, lay it grey side up to show off Elmer, and flip the corner over for an extra peek of color.
Make up the blocks for the quilt quickly using bright and colorful prints from left over scraps or dig through left over jelly roll strips. A solid grey backing fabric provides an extra special place for Elmer. Use Elmer as the template and cut out one patchwork elephant from the scrappy squares. Cut two elephants from light grey fabric. Place the elephants on the grey backing fabric as shown in the picture and applique into place.
Free motion quilt orange peels all over the quilt, with the patchwork side up using the squares as the grid. Bind with bright colored fabric to match the colorful patchwork prints.
Simple 16 patch blocks are all that is needed for the backing. In this case the quilt is reversible, so any side can be used as the quilt top. Display the quilt with the bright patchwork elephant, and casually flip over one end to show the scrappy colorful blocks.
The idea for this quilt comes from a sweet story from Grapes and Hearts, who joined up with a scrapbuster swap group. Elmer was her inspiration. The elephant was taken from a book called Elmer by David McKee. Elmer is a bright colored patchwork all over and all the other elephants laugh at him for being different. The elephant tries to blend in with his colorful patchwork and sense of humour, and soon realizes that he’s happiest just being himself.
Elephants are delightful on quilts and are also very trendy. Display the book on your table next to the sofa, besides being a nice story to read, and inspiration for your patchwork elephant. The book is available for purchase.