An Eye Catching Quilt In Jewel Toned Batiks

Make A Two Color Quilt Or Colorful And Scrappy
The perfect pattern for showcasing those beautiful colors, this Jewel Box quilt is timeless. Beautiful blue’s are so pleasing to the eye, and with white, it’s a classic color combo. An intricate quilt that is surprisingly easy, and is especially stunning in jewel tone batiks.
Blues and white is a spectacular combination, however you can also make a pastel version of it. Use up to twenty-five different fabrics for scrappy pieced squares and a striped border, or choose to make it without.
A combination of different blues in this quilt by Ruth of ‘Ye Olde Sweatshop‘ create an effect that looks like sapphires in the snow. Ruth explains how to construct the block here. The effect is based on color and placement. When constructing the top, as you rotate these units and match up the triangles and the four patches, the jewel box pattern emerges!
‘Jewel Box’ is designed to feature jewel-toned fabrics, however the versatile design can be used for most fabric combinations. There is a free pattern available to make a Jewel Box quilt with a scrappy border.
Eleanor Burns has a beautiful version of the Jewel Box quilt available for purchase, that uses twenty-five different fabrics with each color is used equally, so there is very little waste. Eleanor’s ‘Jewel Box’ quilt design includes a piano border.