Blue Plate Special Plate Block And You Have Chintzware China On The Wall.

Blue Plate Special Plate Block That Even Has Even Has Shelves.
A Blue Plate Special plate block that uses one color. Blue. The white doesn’t count because it’s not really a color! And if you’re a blue and white fabric quilter this Blue Plate Special Quilt block will get you addicted to the unique design of Chintzware Plates. And they are absolutely gorgeous on this quilt. As Gai Perry puts it:
” … combining two of my favorite things, blue and white and china plates!”
In this pattern each quilt block has a cobalt blue and white print for the plate rim. The plate centers features a variety of light blue, and white prints, and some plate centers are just white. Then the background border is totally white. To add, shelves are included in the pattern design.
For this the shelves are constructed with two fabrics. Blue plus a darker contrasting fabric to give dimension.
Once fabric pieces are cut this is an overview of the plate block sewing guide.
Here’s the Chintzware Plates wall quilt. Chintzware is a style of China that has become extremely collectible in recent years. To have a Chintzware China plate collection quilt on your wall… priceless!
The Blue Plate Special Plate Block Patterns are taken From Gai Perrys “24 Quilted Gems” Quilt Book.
Fabric suggestions for this Chintzware plate block, used for a mini wall quilt:
Complimentary color scheme of lavender and yellow gold border frames, a collection of multi colored floral prints, and pastel solids. Some of the fabrics in this Blue Plate Special plate block even look like the original Chinzware china patterns.Here it is in full bloom… This framed quilt is a miniature version of Chintzware plates. Complete design and instructions are in Gai Perry’s book, Do It Yourself Framed Quilts.
Here’s the Blue Plate Special Plate Block used for an Oriental Plate wall quilt from the same book.
The Oriental Plate wall quilt completed.
If you would like to explore the Blue Plate Special Plate Block…
Beautiful and unique framed quilts are found in Gai Perrys “Do It Yourself Framed Quilts”
Besides the Blue Plate Special plate block quilt patterns, the selection of quilts and quilt patterns in these books are so inspiring. The framed quilts are a great idea for gifts and special memories. Even the books would be a most welcome gift by any quilter.
I was looking at the comments on Amazon of people who have this purchased this unique Pattern book. I was amazed to see that one comment was dated right back to 2005! And it’s still in great demand!