Bonnies Scrappy Trip Around The World You Wont Want To Finish

Get Into Scrap Mode And Make A Stunning Trip Around The World Quilt.
Bonnie Hunters Scrappy Trip Around the World is total freedom. The design leaves you totally free to put scraps together using a trip around the world to get a result like this. Bonnie calls it ‘scrappy tripping’!
Use varying contrasting colors using lights and darks. There’s no need to worry about matching color, special co-ordinates or color perfection. Go through scraps and find anything that you can cut 2 1/2″ strips from to make up a 16″ rectangle block.
Fabric changes dramatically when put together with something else, so lay out the strips side by side to get the color combinations that feel good, keeping in mind that the starting strip should not be the same fabric as the end strip. Lay the strips out so that the first strip and the end strip is contrasting.
Stitch the strips together and Bonnie suggests there is no need to even spend time pressing. The block can be pressed when complete. The blocks are trimmed into 2 1/2″ sub sets and arranged to create a ‘trip around the world’. Kaffe Fasset prints gone scrappy were used for this stunner. Choose any fabric however bright florals and colorful prints create the atmosphere of this quilt, and there’s no problem throwing in a couple of dark scraps with this design.
Have fun taking a scrappy trip through your scraps!
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