Charm Pack Table Runner Pattern Zig Zag Modern Or Vintage.

Modern Or Vintage This Charm Pack Table Runner Pattern Is In High Demand.
This fantastic charm pack table runner pattern has been so popular. The trick is in the lay out. You can easily adjust the pattern to make it longer or shorter. Use scraps or a charm pack. Use vintage fabric or totally modern.
Take two squares from your charm pack. You’ll start with a row of two, then a row of four, then a row of five. Then add another row of five, starting one lower than the first square of the previous row of five. Continue to add rows of five, always starting one square down, and complete the length of the table runner that you want. Then add a row of four, then a row of two. The first two blocks are the start of the zig zag.
This will give you the zig zag. Here’s the full length of the table runner once you’ve used up your charm pack.
There’s a great tip in the video as to how to match your seams. So that’s worth the watch. For the backing, you might have some left over fabric from a quilt project, and a piece of left over batting. The zig zag table is really nice when it’s finished. You can guess that it was a bit of a challenge to turn the table runner right side out, but it can be done. You won’t need a tabler runner pattern for this one. The video shows you exactly what to do. So if you have your charm pack, batting and backing fabric, get ready to make the Zig Zag!
Imgs:Youtube Missouri Star Quilt Company
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