Make The Prettiest Hearts Table Topper

This Hearts Table Topper Will Drape Your Table For Valentines Or All Year Round.

Adding hearts to this table topper has created a breathtaking result. If you love Valentines, use this idea to make it special, using bright pinks with deep reds for a splashing romantic time. Catch everyone’s eye as they walk in the room. Use the same design in different colors and prints to make beautiful table toppers for your home, to display any time of the year.

For the Valentine topper Vicki from Accio Fabric, used Deb Strain’s ‘Sent with Love’ fabric for Moda, fussy cut the hearts from the fabric panel and machine appliqued the hearts in place. Vicki made small hearts for the center square and large hearts for each outer corner. The topper was made from the pattern instruction except for the pink charm (5″ square) in the center. The heart appliques complete the Valentine design. Vicki then quilted a heart in each pink and white square. The pink red and white Valentine topper is striking on her black island showcasing the piece beautifully.

hearts table topper from On The Run Pattern book

The design is a charm square friendly and allows for a lot of creativity and unlimited fabric choices. Here is the basic pattern that Vicki worked from. It could easily be used even without changing anything, except for simply using fabric to create the Valentine theme. This charming table topper was made using Rouenneries by French General and can be made using fat quarter or charms.

charm square friendly table topper pattern

The table topper pattern is found in Heather Mulder Petersen’s book “On The Run” from way back in 2009 and has a collection of twelve of the most beautiful runners using pre cuts.