Cottage House Blocks With A Sweet Wreath On The Front Door

Use These Cottage Quilt Blocks For Almost Any Project.
House blocks are always warm and inviting and they make delightful wall hangings for the kitchen or sewing room, and even on the front door. If anything with house melt your heart, these cute blocks come with a wreath on the front door and are perfect for a quick Christmas project.
Make these creative blocks using scraps in red and green for the holiday. The tiny Christmas wreath is adds the holiday flavor, and using fun Christmas trees prints adds to the festivity. The blocks are easy to make, and fun building the house on your design board.
Start by assembling the door first, choosing any fabric you like for the cute wreath. Each piece requires tiny bits of fabric, and sews up into a 6 inch block. They’re such fun, you won’t stop at one. Use any bits of fabric and print. The blocks can be used for any time of year.
They’re just as pretty for a winter wall hanging by making a blue winter cottage, and our favorite, a ginger bread cottage.