Cut Your Own Charm Squares In No Time

Simply Line Up 2 Yards Of Fabric
Easily get 56 perfectly trimmed 5 inch squares out of a yard of fabric, and by using this easy method you’ll have a pile of charm squares in no time, for quilt patterns, and even charm swaps.
Charm packs are perfect for baby quilt and lap quilt patterns. It’s so easy to make your very own quilts by simply cutting a pile of charms ready to get started, and makes charm pack quilting patterns even easier. Start by lining up 2 yards of fabric together, each with a different print.
Ms Midge suggests cutting both fabrics at the same time, reducing the time and also helps with the sorting. Once yardage is laid out, and selvedges trimmed, fabric is cut in rows 5″ wide. You’ll be amazed to find that you will have cut seven rows!
Change direction. By separating into rows of four, it’s the perfect length for a standard 24″ ruler. Trim the edge and measure across 5″ and cut. Continue till four rows are cut, repeat with the remaining 3 rows. There’ll even be small cuts from the fold which can be put aside towards scraps for little projects, and 56 charm squares from just one yard of fabric!
Finally sort them into fabric combinations, and start planning your next project! A quick and easy way to cut your own charm pack.