Daisies, Ladybugs And An Owl Wall Quilt That Captures Every Eye In The Room

July 27, 2016 | Applique Quilts, Wall Quilts
| Owls Are Back And Are Perfect For This Owl Wall Quilt
Owls faces can say a myriad of things. They always look as though they’re interested in everything you say. Perhaps that’s why this quaint wall quilt is so captivating. They’re quite content with their daisies and acorns, enjoying everyone in the room.
Soft blues and greens are perfect for this quilt, complimenting the garden scene.
The family of owls are so quaint and each one made with different fabric.
Add tulips.
For further instructions and downloading the Tulip, ladybugs and flowers. Debbie would love you to visit her ‘Six Installment Quilt Project’ ( although they are all available for download at this time)