Half Square Triangle Quilt Fat Quarter Bundles Of Colors

Bundles Of Fat Quarters Make It Easy To Coordinate Color Vibrancy
Any fabric color using this color values technique would look great. Using bundles of fat quarters make it easy to coordinate fabric colors and get a perfect wave of color from dark to light. Choose fat quarter bundles that gives you a wide range of lights and darks in each color to work with, but keep in mind that this quilt is based on value (the depth of color) as much as it is on color itself. Then be sure when choosing your colors and making your blocks that you continue the pattern of dark and light even as you change colors. What a great effect.
This vibrant quilt has a special story in the making. Sarah from Coop Crafts made this quilt for her freinds engaged to be married. The idea of the design is that it illustrates the blending of two hearts, two lives and two families. Sarah named the quilt Lava Meets Sea, because when lava hits the sea it makes rock, a strong foundation. How beautiful!
With the bundles of colors Sarah chose, the red bundle is darker than the blue, so notice how the colors meet in the middle of the quilt. The blocks for this quilt are the most simple blocks you can make, half square triangles.
Here’s a chart illustrating the lay out. This makes a generous lap sized quilt, big enough to share for a nap on the couch.
Once deciding on colors and cutting out, sort squares and place in seperate bags for easy reach.
By following the chart, cut:
201 red squares
195 blue squares for a total of 396 squares.
Then you’ll want to make:
127 red blocks
121 blue blocks and
148 mixed blocks for the middle.
Separate colors into two stacks each of dark, medium and light, one for the “solid” red (or blue) and another for the mixed (middle) area.
Very pretty as a cushion cover for the porch bench. Looks great!
See the tutorial on using half square triangles to create visual depth HERE