Heart Mug Rug A New Creative Take

Quickly Convert Stash Into This Creative Heart Mug Rug
Make this sweet heart mug rug with a difference. Trendy and homely too, a good mix. The berry red and cream are delicious together, yet the design would great in any color. A clever mix using a print for the logs on one side of the heart, and a solid for the log cabin strips on the other side. Coordinated fabric enhances the log cabin design.
The message is a Valentine theme, but these mug rugs can be used for anytime of the year. Change up with fun fabrics for a sunshine kitchen. Or florals for a soft feel. Shabby roses would be very pretty too.
Match to any kitchen decor. Pretty enough for the dining table too. Make a set of four. Beautiful gift, with a label ‘handmade’.
To start with make a log cabin block. For perfect logs Penny suggests using the Creative Grids trim tool. Sew a 4 1/2″ x 6 1/2″ dark rectangle to the dark side of the half log cabin block. Then sew a 4 1/2″ x 6 1/2″ light rectangle to the adjoining light side of the half log cabin block.
Two heart curves are cut from the rectangles using the template as per pattern instructions. Sew around the outer edges of the heart curve. Leave an opening unstitched of four inches on the straight edge for turning right side out.
Trim the excess fabric within a quarter inch of the stitch line. Turn the heart shape right side out. Press. Slip stitch the opening closed. Done!
This beautiful heart mug rug was a celebration of the publishing of Log Cabin Quilts by Penny Haren
Perfect logs were achieved using the six inch Creative Grids Log Cabin.