Little Maggie Lu Sweet Baby Quilt With Matching Doll Quilt

Quaint Baby Quilt To Make Use Left Over Fabric For A Doll Quilt.
If you love anything with scalloped edges, make this sweet 16 patch baby quilt with pretty florals. There’s a special baby quilt that is kept forever and put away as a keepsake, and this might be one of them. Use left over fabric to make a matching doll quilt and both are likely to be kept for years to come.
Use pretty floral prints for the sixteen patch blocks.The quilt top consists of a mix of 16 patch blocks and a second block the same size as the sixteen patch, made up as a simple square with a border. Super simple blocks to make, the quilt top sew up quickly. The scalloped edge a charming finish to a wide border.
There’s no mystery to the border. The pattern requires a scalloped ruler and you will be able to mark and cut the shape following the guide. The perfect finish for a darling baby girl quilt.
Use the sixteen patch block to make a matching doll quilt with left over fabric. A loving grandma made this adorable quilt. If you have similar fabric in your stash, the colors are insprational. Or make the quilt in your choice of fabric and colors and gift a baby quilt that will be around a long time. The design is especially fat eighths friendly.