Make Your Favorite Fabric A Happy Scrappy Baskets Quilt

A Quilt Of Baskets For Spring Fabrics or Any time of Year
This pretty flower basket quilt block from Moda Blockheads 2018, is designed for a scrap quilt to use all your treasured fabric scraps. A patchwork of color is one of the simplest and quickest ways to use up every small scrap of fabric available. Hst’s added to the pieced basket, provide a basket filled with flowers.
Cut your own fabric, use jelly rolls, mini charms, or even charm packs in place of cutting 2 1/2” squares from your stash. Quick-pieced half square triangle units make up the flower tops of this scrappy basket, with rectangles to complete a 12 1/2 inch block (unfinished). A batch of blocks will help you make a quilt of baskets brimming with color in no time!
Why not give this quaint Basket block a try using the free block pattern, beginners too!
There is a full pattern for a 68″ x 85″ quilt available for purchase.
Moda Blockheads are all about six celebrity quilt designers who unite to share a compendium of 48 stunning quilt-along blocks, plus six spectacular sampler-quilt patterns to showcase the beautiful blocks you make. Their book is available for purchase. Free block patterns are available on Moda’s Cutting Table and Bearcreek Quilting Company for a short while which you can get from here.