One Of A Kind Mugrug Gifts Using Fabric Scraps

Gifts For Anytime Of Year
Left over themed fabric, panel fabric and even backing fabric make the nicest mugrug designs you could imagine! Create your own with different appliques cut directly from fabric.
Stitching up these mugrugs are so much fun and stress free. Plus you can make gifts in a flash! Fussy cut a couple of favorite pieces to create the scene. Apply Heat’n’Bond light. Then straight stitch around the edges. Blanket stitch also looks great.
Most mug rugs are approximately 6 x 9 inches (15x23cm) to 10 x 12 inches (25x30cm). Using a cut out of the panel might be just the right size too and no need to applique. Just a little quilting provides a delightful finish.
Lisa Capen of Lisa Capen Quilts shows how you can achieve fun designs cut from scraps of holiday themed fabric. You could also purchase just a quarter or half yard of fabric which would provide so many applique cuts.