One Charm Pack Valentine Heart Wall Hanging

A Pretty Valentine Heart To Put On Display
Everything is coming up love with this this simplistic design. French General reds make a stunning heart to put on display and celebrate the Valentine season.
2 1/2 inch squares in harmonious reds, berry and sage are arranged to form the perfect heart. The colors are so bright and cheerful in mid winter, to brighten your heart. The quilt displays beautifully in the entrance for a warm greeting. A forgotten charm pack, jelly strips and any fabric scraps in similar colors can be used to make the heart. Arrange the squares until you get a good balance of color placment.
Hide Away Girl found a long lost Rouenneries charm square pack. After sketching the heart design, she got this idea to cut up this hide away charm pack into four quarters and use the 2 1/2″ squares to make the shape of the heart. A white border is the perfect background for the deep reds of the heart. Frame with remaining fabric along the top and bottom on the quilt. French General reds available here.
For the heart you’ll be needing 99 x 2 1/2″ squares, and for the top and bottom borders a total of 28 x 2 1/2″ squares, making that a total of 127 x 2 1/2″ squares, (which is about 32 charm squares). A strip of fabric for the top and bottom border squares about 30 inches in length. Choose the width for each strip and white fabric for the background.
The finished size is 28.5 x 33. A charming wall hanging to add to your Valentine decor!