One Jelly Roll Grandma Mary’s Five Patch Quick And Easy

A One Jelly Roll Quilt For Summer Or All Year Round.
You’ll be needing thirty eight 2 1/2″ strips for Grandma Mary’s five patch. Variables in the fabric create a unique design every time and this five patch is an easy version that’s suitable for all quilters, beginning to experienced. Choosing fabrics can be the most overwhelming part of making a quilt so the benefit of using just one jelly roll for this project is ideal, or stitch up this easy design using scraps and left over pieces of fabric.
Any combination of prints look amazing with this quilt. Stitch up with just a few fabrics, or go entirely scrappy. The design becomes vibrant, intergrating a crisp white background. A mix of colors with a little chocolate and red make a lovely quilt for any time of year!
Monotones of green and aqua with crisp white blocks. Great colors for a throw on the porch.
Break with sunny orange for a fun summer feel. No matter what colors you choose the quilt looks amazing.
Finished size is 61″ x 72″ using 38 (2 1/2″) strips. Size up easily by making more finished blocks! Using a jelly roll saves time on cutting and colors are pre selected. Big loopy meandering gives the quilt a soft, breezy feel.
Grandma Mary’s Five Patch is available for purchase, a versatile pattern that be used over and over all year round.