Pin Cushion Paradise And Patterns

Pin Cushions Are Better Than The Movies I Could Look At Them All Day!
Pin cushions could be compared to Disney World, except I would rather have pin cushions. They are delightful, each with their own personality. A pin cushion can be made from scraps of fabric, adding embellishments for individuality, and given as a gift. I could look at pin cushions all day. Even better getting the pin cushion patterns to make my favorites.
These pin cushions are total cuteness. An adult in a toy store. So, hard as it was, I chose a bunch of pin cushions that just grab your heart. What with the little smiley faces, or country garden on top. There can’t be a favorite… it’s not possible. If you settle on one that captures your heart above all others, please let us know. It’ll be fun!
You can’t make it without having to pin! Sorry no pattern available. Click Here To Purchase.
If you have an embroidery machine the motif “Please Enter Your Pin” is available for purchase as a digital download for most embroidery machines. Simply Stitch onto your pincushion. Click Here To Purchase The Pin Pad
Or you can order a custom iron on tranfer by simply sending this “Please Enter Your Pin” Here
How about these Apple and Pear Pin cushions. Get The Free Pincushion Patterns Here
Would you prefer strawberries? Grab the Free Strawberry Pincushion Pattern Here
This ‘quilty’ Pincushion… Get The Free Pattern Here
Nothing beats a Dresden pin cushion!! The nicest pattern I could find for this Dresden has a flower in the center that you can you can choose to leave out. Get The Free Pattern Here
No pattern for this one below, and unfortunately no longer available for purchase.
On the other hand, I love this little smiley Mushroom Pincushion, bright and happy…Get The Free Mushroom Pin Cushion Pattern Here
This finger ring pin cushion makes a lot of sense. It also looks great! Get The Free Pattern Here
And for serious quilters… Get The Free Sewing Machine Pincushion Pattern Here
Just hit the Google Translate Button for this one. It’s quite easy to follow.
No pattern for this cute pin cushion. I just love it though, and you can kind of figure it out. If you click through to this ones website, they have birds tweeting and waterfall sounds.
If you’re giving a pin cushion as a gift, it’s very cute to add one or two whimsical decorative sewing pins. I saw them here…

Hope you enjoyed your visit to Disne… I mean… Pin Cushion Paradise!