Scallop Ruler And One Stitch Across For Perfect Scallops

August 2, 2016 | How To Quilting
| How To Use A Scallop Ruler For The Prettiest Scallops
Scallops and quilts are designed to be together. Scallops are great for embellishing your sewing and quilting projects. They go with everything from pillow cases to ktichen tea towels and provide the most adorable finish to a baby quilt. Use a scallop ruler to make perfect scallops everytime.
Scallops are easy enough to make even using a cookie cutter.
Cut out two half circles, stitch, turn right side out and press. That’s it beautiful scallop.
However, you cannot beat this idea to make a double scallop. The trick is to use the Scallop Ruler, but the secret is to stitch one stitch across between the scallops. Perfect scallops!
Check out this video. You’ll never make a scallop without a scallop ruler and pusher again!