Step Up Your Log Cabin Quilt With Bold Stars

Combine A Log Cabin With Stars In The Sashing.
It is said that the center square of a log cabin quilt block represents the hearth of a log cabin and is the heart of the home. For this reason, many traditional log cabin quilts will feature a red center square. Each of the logs around the center resemble building blocks to that home. A great quilt to give as a gift for a housewarming, … or to your daughter as you watch her grow and build her home.
For Jackie Kirner of Blissfully Imperfect, this striking log cabin quilt was gifted to her by her Mom. Jackie’s mom used Eleanor Burns method of adding stars among the blocks. She put together the idea of expanding on the colors of Jackie’s deserted project, to this stunning log cabin, based on Eleanor Burns method. Not wanting to desert the checkerboard of the orphan block, it was added to the border of log cabin.
Log cabin quilt patterns can be a great way to experiment with variations of this popular quilt style, such as adding stars in the sashing. Using Eleanor Burns method the stars are pieced, and although there are a lot of steps to piece the star, with a little experience, it is an easy addition to the sashing, and not diamond ‘patches’ at all.
The pattern is from Eleanor Burns ‘Star Log Cabin Quilt’ dated way back to 1995, and is available for purchase. The book offers several different layouts for a distinctive look. It is a very detailed book and beginner’s will do well with it as everything is clearly explained step by step.