Sweet Pumpkin Pincushions Handy On Your Wrist

Make Your Own Pumpkin Wrist Cuff Pin Cushion.
If you’re constantly flitting between the sewing machine in your sewing room, the ironing board in the sitting room, and the dining room table for pattern cutting, this cute pumpkin pin cushion wrist cuff will become your new BFF in the sewing room.
Pin cushions are always fun and can be used as part of your sewing room decor. The addition of a 2 1/2 inch wrist band is a great width and sits snug on your wrist. Using velcro to fasten makes it quick and easy to put on. Sew the velcro on length-ways instead of width-ways, to make it more adjustable for a perfect fit. If you have a small wrist easily shorten the band while fastening. Place a 2″ piece of plastic in the cuff beneath the pin cushion to stop pins poking through.
Keyka mentions that by using the wide cuff and velco fasten, the pumpkin stands up perfectly and becomes a table top pin cushion. An old credit card or the cover from a cottage cheese carton could be used.
Fabric scraps of 4″ in diameter are suitable. The finished size is approximately 3 1/2″ X 3 1/2″ diameter, and 1 1/2″ when filled with polyfil. Make it smaller by using a 3″ diameter circle. They’re just as pretty and practical! Sewing room prints are really effective, although they look too cute in any fabric. Embellish with a button, and if giving as a gift, add a pack of whimsical pins.