Tips For Sewing A Quilters Quarter Inch Seam Allowance

Be Sure To Test Your Seam Allowance.
The smallest error in a 1/4 inch seam allowance can throw the entire quilt off, and gets worse with each block added. It’s easy to sew a 1/4 inch seams for quilts and if you’re finding errors, follow these tips.
Most quilt blocks are sewn using a quarter seam allowance, except when paper piecing or adding binding to the quilt. The hard part is that when sewing batches of the same size squares, you might not notice the inconsistent seam until you have to stitch the quilt top. If the seams are all the same, the patchwork will line up perfectly.
Master the quarter inch seam and blocks will have units with sharp points and crisp corners, and they’ll fit together perfectly when it’s time to assemble the block or quilt.
Considering rotary cut pieces are often slightly smaller than fabric cut with templates, due to the absence of marked lines. After tracing around the template, we tend to cut on the outside of the pencil line. There is no excess when cutting with a rotary cutter. However it won’t be long before you know exactly where to cut and where to sew to achieve the best results.
Find out how to test your 1 /4 inch seam and use Janet Wickells from The Spruce’s tips for sewing a quilters quarter inch seam allowance. The article includes how to make a DIY seam allowance guide, although I have just purchase this inexpensive seam guide with multiple width adjustments and it works great.