Use Your Well Loved Scraps To The Last Inch

Half Square Triangle Scrappy Strings With Every Favorite Bit Used.
With a scrap bin piling up, you’re pushing the tops down to make more space to throw in some more. Those pieces of scrap fabric that might look fit for the trash can are about to become a beautiful scrappy string quilt. Showcase those last bits of fabric in a color half square triangle block with a throw, wall quilt, or even a scrumptious table topper.
Use fabric scraps for all sorts of try outs too. They’re such fun, and may feel slow to begin with, but in no time your first block emerges, interesting and unique. Your next project, this half square triangle quilt top ‘string style’. When you look at this quilt, you can’t imagine all of THAT fabric landing up in the trash in a jumbled heap.
Try muslin to support the strings blocks if you have. It feels nicer than working with paper. When stitching strips together use Karens neat technique to stitch straight onto the muslin at the same time.
There’s a huge benefit with a scrappy string. Use any size strip that you have, even as little as one inch! No limit on color prints or solids. Use them all! The blocks are really pretty once sewn together. Then use for any project. For the scrappy in Karens tutorial from Blooming Poppies, this beautiful half square triangle quilt be used as a throw over the sofa.
Create a unique bow tie.
Makes a great wall quilt.
Hope these great ideas inspire you to keep all scraps and use them to the last inch. You’ll be gald you did amd pleased with the results!