8 Charms Bakesale Pincushion

Find Just 8 Charm Squares For The Top
Scrappy happy squares and a pie tin is all thats needed to create this whimsical pincushion. Quick half square triangles cut from a 5″ stacker allows for showcasing different patterns and colors within the pincushion design.
Sew half square triangles and position seams on a design board to form scrumptious pie slices. A fun project, make a stack of Cutie Pie pincushions in an afternoon for quilter and sewing group gifts! To stay with the pie tin theme use vintagey baking fabric prints. Michael Millers Just like Grannys Bake Sale fabric is a nice addition to a mix of colorful prints.
Lori Holts Vintage Happy makes a charming Bakesale Pincushion. Happy colorful prints,the fluted pie top brings fabric to life. A fun project to make a pincushion, and practice sewing HST’s and nesting seams for perfect pie pieces.