A Cozy Patchwork Lampshade Made With Scraps

Each Panel Has A Different Color Scheme
An old lampshade becomes a feature in the room using scraps for a patchwork covering. A quick and creative afternoon project that puts some of your favorite pieces on display. Use leftovers of a quilt just completed and cover an old shade with the same fabric to match.
It’s such fun sorting through scraps and matching them to make your own design. Sort into colorways so that each panel has it’s own colour way. Each panel has a different colour scheme so that you can turn the lamp round to have the colour that best suits the room. No sewing required. Use modge podge or a Pva glue to attach the pretty squares. Then it’s all fun choosing your favorite prints and creating your own masterpiece.
The patchwork is so pretty there’s hardly a need to edge the lampshade, and is a lovely feature for a quilters home, sewing room, or as a matching lamp next to a throw on the sofa.