A Romantic Picnic Quilt Surrounded By Fragrant Flowers

Make This Simple Rail Quilt With Beautiful Bold Blooms For Summer.
It’s a day of blue skies and puffy white clouds just right to go on a picnic. Pack a basket of goodies, roll up this dreamy floral garden quilt with pink blooms against an aqua background, and head for the nearest park. Make up this quick quilt using a splash of bold floral. Tote with a convenient handmade carrying strap to make the perfect picnic quilt.
Make the top using a rail fence style block. A super simple technique using five strips, and to showcase a feature bloom, cut a broad strip for the center of the block. Use small prints or tiny florals and place either side of the center strip. Place strips of bold florals as the outer strips to complete the block. When placing the blocks together, bold florals meet creating a frame of flowers.
You can never have enough strip quilt patterns and this one is no exception. The strips are pieced the same as a rail fence block and by simply adjusting the width of the center piece, the quilt provides the perfect setting for a pretty bloom.
Make a pretty vintage style quilt for a romantic couple to picnic in the park. Use an old fashioned rose for the center panel framed with bold prints of cerise pink blooms for a perfect setting. It’s the type of quilt you want to lay out in a small clearing surrounded by large fragrant flowers.
A super weekend project.
Click here to purchase “Heather Baileys Distric Garden sateen Cakewalk” for the the handmade carrier.
Click here to purchase “bold pink florals”.
Click here to purchase “Heather Bailey’s Distict Garden City Grid”.