Breaking Down The Beautiful Bargello Quilt Step By Step

Once You’ve Seen This Technique You Can Make Any Bargello Quilt.
Bargello quilts are known for the way the colors flow together and create seamless movement. It’s the perfect design to create a crescendo of fabric to put on display and is not complicated at all. Following these steps are as easy as following a recipe. In this case, once you know how, the results are scrumptious!
This classic quilt is definitely intricate and intimidating when you first look at it. The first few steps seam easy enough. Cut out 2 inch strips, sew together and so on. However it seems strange that you should create a tube sewing the ends together, right side to right side. Follow through and see how it all comes together in the end after some cutting and un-sewing of stitches. And just look at the stunning results!
Imagine the endless and unlimited possibilities now that you’ve learned the Bargello quilt block pattern. Start off with a small project using Angela Walters technique, it’s exciting to see the wave take form, and the fabrics display just beautifully! This Magnolia wall quilt is one of my favorites using the bargello for any season. For inspiration see more projects here.
In the video below Angela is going to show us that the Bargello quilt block isn’t as difficult as it may seem.