Coffee Cup Cozies A Fun And Easy Quilt Project

Coffee Cup Cozies Anyone Can Make In A Dash
These coffee cup cozies are really handy. They’re also trendy and make a great part of your kitchen collection. They keep your coffee hot, you won’t burn your fifngers on the cup, and you don’t get your hand wet from the condesation.
Neat idea. They’re so chunky. Very trendy to carry around. Throw one in your tote when you go out always at hand for that quick coffee take out.
Fun to make. Makes a great gift for dads too.
This is a simple pattern and if you have a little experience, will be easy to figure out. Cut fabric and batting from basic pattern and have fun quilting and adding chunky buttons. Bits of fabric will do the job. Make a set of three or four for your kitchen. A set of these coffee cozies would make a great gift for anyone!
The pattern was figured and a drawing is ready for download.