Coffee Time Quilt For Your Next Table Mat

Unique Table Mat With The Prettiest Crocheted Vintage Trim.
A charming Coffee Time quilt with sweet vintage characters and the perfect addition of crocheted trim to the inner border. Taunja added buttons to the corners from her Grandmas button jar giving the table mat extra appeal. If choosing soft ice cream pinks and white as Taunja did, a similar pink and white crochet trim adds a special touch to the quilt.
The table mat shown in the pattern tutorial is made using yardage from Riley Blakes Strawberry Biscuit. Trim is available for purchase already crocheted, but if you’re handy at crochet work it’s a nice addition and fun to make.
You’ll only be needing 36 x 2 /2″ squares, with some white strips, or color of your choice, for the sashing. Backing fabric, binding fabric and around 2 yards of decorative trim such as the crochet trim, lace or ribbon of your choice.
The Strawberry Biscuit table mat has cute vintage characters in the print, ideal for a childs tea party.
Use soft neutrals and muted vintagey prints, perfect for a Coffee Time feel. Taunja added that she found some delicious ecru colored vintage crocheted trim purchased at an antique store in December.