Create An Eight Point Star For Your Next table Topper

A Winter Star Table Topper Or All Year Round.
Learning the steps of the eight point star is a great start because you’ll be applying those basic steps to any type of stars you’ll make, no matter what size you choose. Once you know how to make a basic star, the block can be customised to make so many different designs. The star is one of the oldest blocks around and certainly a favorite. With a little experience, you can make the just the star and use it for your choice of project.
Start by sewing three strips of fabric together. For this design three strips were put together starting with a dark print, light then dark again. The second set of strips were made up from a light print, then a dark, and a light print again. The diamonds are cut from the three strips using a 45 degree ruler. The star below is a basic design to get started. Then, add more diamonds and build the star out as you wish.
Editya and Kimberly from the Fat Quarter Shop show how to cut the diamonds to make the eight point star. Once you have three fabric strips sewn together, cut the diamond shapes at an angle. There are two ways to cut the diamond shapes.
1.Using a diamond template.
2.Using a ruler with a 45 degree angle and a rotary cutter.
Tip: Always press your fabric before cutting your strips and squares. Spray the pieces with starch fabric spray to give it a little stiffness. The width of your strip ( two and three quarter inches) determines the length of your diamond. Here you can see the diamond shapes and the star has come together beautifully.
This table topper was made from the Gingerbread Trio pattern, using the Snowbird fabric line. The video tutorial below shows how to make an eight point star for beginners, starting right from the fabric, how to position the strips and how to cut the diamonds using an 45 degree ruler. The second video tutorial is a perfect follow up on how to sew and intermediate eight point star. With basic quilting skills and a tutorial provided below, give this eight point star table topper a try. Make the topper for any time of year. The ‘Gingerbread Trio’ pattern includes the Shining Star topper as well as an additional two patterns for ‘The Gingerbread Men” and “Gingerbread Pair”. Each quilt finishes at 24.5″ x 24.5″ and can be used to make holiday quilts. The “Shining Star” is a beautiful winter topper, but can be made to use all year round.
“Gingerbread Trio” is available for purchase and contains all three table topper patterns.
For the full tutorial, Beginner Eight-Point Star Quilt Block, watch the video below.
Watch The Intermediate Eight-Point Star Quilt Block Tutorial.
Images: Youtube Fat Quarter Shop