Dresden Flower To Welcome Spring

Sweet And Simple Dresden Wall Hanging To Bring The Sunshine In.
Anyone would welcome this Dresden flower in winter to chase the grey away. And it also marks the beginning of spring. It’s so fresh and bright use it all year round. A simple dresden flower on a rick rack stem, with colorful squares around the border can be hung in the kitchen, or even the sewing room.
Make the dresden using the ruler and cut on the five inch line. The flower is a 20 blade dresden mounted on a piece of fabric. 30’s prints give the flower an old world charm. Although the flower can be made in any fabric, the vintagey prints make such pretty dresdens. Nice bold rick rack makes a lovely stem. Choose to add leaves with two blades or leave them of.
Make the border with with 2 inch squares. Choose to border all round the perimeter, or place a strip of broad rick rack straight across the bottom. It looks great is a super time saver for a quick finish.
A fast wall hanging that will brighten up any room in your home, that can be whipped up in an afternoon, and makes a lovely gift too.
The dresden flower wall hangin is so easy to mak. Jenny’s video tutorial shows a few tips and tricks with enough to get you started.
You’ll love your new dresden flower mini wall quilt.