Exciting New Log Cabin Quilt To Snuggle Under

Log Cabin Cozy To Make With A Pinwheel Mix
An exciting mix of traditional log cabin blocks with pieced pin wheels give this quilt an edge. Delightfully named “Woodland Winds”, especially fitting for the quilt in the pattern image, made with Jo Mortons Woodlands fabrics. The two blocks, log cabin and pinwheels are like two fiesty friends together. A geat mix of two blocks together. A fun quilt to make, and even better to snuggle under on a cool winter evening.
Designer Candy Hargrove suggests using your favorite HST method to make your pinwheels, you’ll be making 120 of them each using a different combination of light and dark prints. To make a 9 1/2″ square, sew together 8 pinwheel units with a 3 1/2 ” square in the centre. This will result in 15 blocks in total.
Make classic log cabin blocks by piecing light and dark strips around the centre 2 1/2″ fabric square. Assemble rows of 2 pinwheel blocks and 3 log cabin blocks rotating as per pattern instruction. Continue in this manner to make a total of 6 horizontal rows, referring to the diagram for placement.
Woodlands fabrics are just beautiful for this design or choose your own fabric combination and colors for anytime of year. Log cabins are a good winter cozy quilt, the pinwheels are fun for summer. It’s a great mix!
Read about Jo Morton’ Woodlands fabric here.