Fable Fabric An Apple Pie Cushion And Dolly Quilt

The Piccolo Apple Pie Cushion and More
Fall in love with this delicious Cushion to sew with the amazing bundle of Fable. This delightful fabric collection warms the heart, and is just perfect for fussy cutting.
The 34 inch cushion is put together with the prettiest prints of sweet animals and flowers. Fussy cut a favorite for the button.
The Picolo Apple Pie cushion pattern designed by Sarah of Piccolo Studios, led Sarah to choose a collection of prints from the Fable. Perfect for a little girls room decor, Sara went on to sew a matching Dolly quilt. While the pattern for the Dolly quilt is not available, take inspiration from this project and use a favorite quilt block or pattern.
Prints from the Jill Finley’s Fable collection make the perfect addition to any project. Sew a cushion and choose your own embellishments for the finish. Perfect decor for a little girls room, and ties together with a co-ordinating Dolly quilt in the same fabric.
Sarah’s Piccolo Apple Pie cushion pattern is available for purchase.