Flip And Sew A Baby Quilt Ready To Wrap

Flip And Sew A Baby Quilt Using 6 Charm Squares In A Row.
This is a great idea to sew a baby quilt quick. Perfect for last minute baby showers and such, and especially useful if you use a lot of charm packs. You could even use this flip and sew idea to make a wall hanging.
Start off sewing charm squares into strips. Make up 6 strips. Lay the strips out and number them 1 to 6.
Put the backing fabric and batting together.While still together, fold both in half and press a crease down the middle. Then fold it in half again and press. Open up the batting and backing fabric, and you’ll see the crease lines. Then take the fabric strip number 4, and lay it width wise on the crease.
Add the next strip until all six strips are sewn together.
Add the border, then a second broad border.
Fold over to make the binding.
Done and just so pretty!
Watch this video where Betty will show you exactly how to flip and sew a quilt!
Imgs:Youtube:Santa Rosa Quilt Guild