How To Sew A Half Rectangle Triangle In Any Size

Sew Perfect Half Rectangles Triangles To Make Up Any Design.
A half-triangle rectangle is an elongated triangle that forms half a rectangle that can be used to make those beautiful diamond blocks, zig zags and other interesting quilt designs. Once you know how to get them perfect you can use these shapes to bring a whole new design element to your quilting.
It might seem obvious that you would make a half-triangle rectangle the same way you would a half square triangle. Using these guidelines will prevent a half rectangle triangle ending up looking like an off balanced kite, and ensure that the side seams don’t come up short when stitching a diamond. Try these tips and tricks and have fun creating your own designs.
To make an elongated diamond use four half-rectangle triangles. Repeat to make multiple diamonds or use different placements for a unique design of your own. Use the same method to make any size rectangle. Make two diamond shapes the same height but different widths, experimenting with different size starting rectangles adding ¼” to the width and ½” to the length. The diamond shapes can be made in any colour scheme with little pops of color incorporated into one of the rectangles. Once you’ve mastered the technique blocks become fast and fun.
Emily Dennis has written an article providing the know how to make the perfect half triangle rectangles that you can start using right away to make up your own gorgeous designs.