Quickly Switch Between Straight Lines And Free-Motion Quilting Designs.
You fall in love with a design. It gets the first tick box, fat quarter friendly. Immediately going into creative mode, there’s great fun choosing prints and matching coordinates, and the quilt totally captures your heart. It feels great to know that you get to do the quilting yourself, right there in your sewing room, on your domestic machine. Quilting rulers free your creativity and is the ultimate artwork of the project.
There is an incredible amount of differently shaped ruler templates available. Knowing how to use them will give you so many more options when it comes to machine quilting your quilts. When quilting with rulers, use a foot that is high enough so the ruler won’t slip over it. The ruler needs to be at least 1/4 inch thick. Then when using the ruler, press down and use the ruler to move the quilt, using the other hand to keep the quilt moving in a fluid motion.

‘Libby’s Log Cabin’ Pattern Fons and PorterYou have to have a steady hand if you’re doing it free hand, however you can get stitching in the ditch almost perfect using a quilting ruler. Quilt geometric motifs. You can also combine straight lines with free-motion quilting. This six piece
quilting template pack from Sew Steady, offers outside and inside designs. The pack also includes Stable tape and a pin for use with spinning templates. There is a link to an instructional video included on the pack. Or choose from these
quilting rulers here.

Patrick Lose ‘Seasonal Stars’ Table Runner Pattern Fons and PorterWhile there are heaps of videos online for quilting with rulers, some information always seems to be missing. Amy Johnson’s technique is all over the web and her easy class covers everything. Most ruler quilting videos are more about using a home long arm, and that’s why Amy Johnson’s video tutorials are a little unique. You’ll learn how to use those specialised long arm rulers to easily achieve smooth lines, curves and motifs all on your domestic machine. Amy teaches myriad of quilting designs in this course, from versatile all over quilting to pumpkin seed motifs. Use your free motion flair and beautify borders using Amy’s techniques. Classes are online streaming videos, there are a total of 7, each between 10 and 20 minutes long.