Layer Cake Pattern For Quick Baby Quilts,The Home, Any Season

This Layer Cake Pattern Can Be Used For Baby Or Any Quilt For The Home.
Layer cake patterns are just right for this time of year as the hustle and bustle of the season make more demands on your time. Besides, layer cakes have to be one of the most favorited of precuts. Ten inch squares display fabric, are quick for smaller cuts, and the fabrics are coordinated. Choose a favorite fabric line and make up this lively Lemonade Layer Cake quilt.
The Lemonade quilt makes the sweetest baby quilt, and I fell in love with Lori Holts version in fun baby prints, using Riley Blakes ten inch ‘Stackers‘. Each of the Stackers have 21 ten inch squares, and two stackers were used for the baby quilt. It took just two hours to complete the quilt top! Then with the left overs, Lori quickly stitched up a doll quilt.
Kimberely Jolly’s Lemonade quilt pattern, is a favorite for layer cake lovers. The video tutorial is chock full with tips for sorting light and dark. Pick up a Layer Cake, download the quilt pattern to get started on this 48″ x 61″ quilt!
Watch Kimberely’s video tutorial. It’s fun! If you’re short for time get the free pattern to print out and keep.
The sewing machine used in the video can be found here.