Log Cabin Hexi Potholders Scrappy Fun For Your Kitchen

A Little Hexie Spiral Goodness For Your Next Potholders
Having a couple of fun potholders in the kitchen makes all the difference. These cute and colorful hexagon potholders made entirely from scraps, are super quick, and perfect to try out a little small project quilting. If you’re fussy cutter, the hexagon center makes the nicest display.
Using the template, fussy cut your novelty fabric by printing out the template on to cardstock and then cut out the hexagon. A bird or something you would love in your kitchen!
Add scrappy strips to complete the potholder. While sewing totally scrappy, test strips against the center piece to accent the colors and enhance the design. The potholder finishes at approximate 9″ using two rounds of 2″ fabric strips, so there’s a lot of choice to put on display.
Make useful gifts, and extra’s to keep on hand, the design is really versatile. Bright colors and scrappy florals in a cute hexie potholder make the nicest gift and will cheer up any kitchen after a dreary winter. Autumn shades for the start of the season are just as welcoming, and warm a kitchen in time for cold days ahead.
The hexagon potholders designed by Caroline Critchfield of Sew Can She, is available as a free pattern which includes the hexagon template.