Patchwork Pincushions Are Quick To Stitch They’re Addictive

Sew A Mini Quilt Block, Turn and Stuff
These playful pinnies are so simple and easy to create that you won’t make just one. If you have tons of scraps put colors and prints together to make your favorite quilt block. Make a Swoon, Bear Paw, or Maple Leaf, or cheery houses.
They can be totally from scraps, even use bits off the end of jellyroll strips! It’s amazing how many you can get from a charm pack! Machine quilt top stitching with embroidery thread, embellish with pins, a button adds to the cuteness. If you’ve never thought to quilt a pin cushion before, choose thread to make the fabric and design pop. Or if you love the addition of hand quilting small projects, these are just darling.
Strips using Bonnie and Camille’s ‘Wovens’
A super cute Bear Paw, made up using 1/2″ finished triangles, taking longer to cut than piece. Fussy cut favorites. That kitty face was a happy accident, as well as the star!
You know it’s additive when you start making pincushions to match your quilts! Carrie says ‘it’s worse. than. potato. chips!’
Carrie Nelsons book ‘Pin Pals’ is packed with 40 pincushion projects with variations that use basic techniques. Lots of hints and tips are included along the way, as well as pincushion basics. Many of the patterns could be used for mini quilts as well. The book, just out, is available for purchase.