Quilt As You Go Placemats In Half The Time As Before

Use This Neat Technique That Completes The Top And The Quilting All In One.
No need to wait till the weekend to make a new set of placemats. Using this neat ‘quilt as you go method’ creates short cuts to completing the top and the quilting. The method can be applied to almost any project. In this case follow along on how to make up some nice new placemats and try out the Qayg at the same time. Once the top is complete simply finish off with the binding. Have a fresh set of placemats in no time, to dress your table.
The tutorial covers everything including the list of fabric requirements to make your first placemat. You’ll be needing 9 assorted 2 1/2″ wide fabric strips. Start off by checking your scraps for any jelly roll strips that might be just the right colors for your placemats.
Bring in some colorful prints. A mix of deep reds/corals, and light and dark orange fabric were used for these placemats that would brighten up anyones day. Lindsey from How To Sew used Mixed Bag collection by Studio M for the placemats in the tutorial.
The video with instructions covers every step. See a second video provided showing an easy binding method to finish your project. You’ll be making these placemats over and over, they’re so quick and easy. The video is great for beginners as it’s a watch over the shoulder tutorial. Anyone can make these! Each video is around 3 – 4 mins long. If you would prefer not to watch the video, links to the free on page tutorial are available in the yellow box provided below the videos.
Watch How To Bind Your Quilt As You Go Placemats.