Quilt Rack Especially For Vintage Style Quilts

A Quilt Rack Keeps Your Beautiful Collectors Piece Out For All To See
It would be a shame to hide vintage quilts in a cupboard. While they are a special keepsake, and you want to protect them, they should be out on display for all to admire. Showcase vintage quilts on a vintage style quilt rack. Admittedly, they’re also beautiful folded and stacked in an old glass cabinet.
A quilt rack for a vintage quilt should be unique to match the theme of the quilt. No ordinary quilt stand will do. The display rack should compliment the quilt and be a piece to admire all of it’s own. With a little creatiivity, repurpose the display stand using something that has a special meaning or memory such as a crib or antique sewing machine.
Why not choose something with a quilting or sewing theme? Upcycling , especially vintage looking racks, are perfect for vintages. These unusual racks are an inspiration for anyone to make a special place for vintage quilts and get them out at last.
How about this sewing machine base turned antique quilt rack.
Keep a shabby style quilt rack for vintage quilts. A wooden broomstick painted white and resting on the wrought iron of a wall shelf is perfect! Or simply purchase a wood dowl from the hardwarestore at the right length.
Vintage style quilt ladder using an old wooden ladder up on the wall.
A wooden quilt rack wall shelf shows off a vintage quilt beautifully.
Display small quilts and even quilt tops in an old picture frame for that vintage feel.
and here’s how it looks on the wall…
Use a hanging rack and display your precious quilt as a headboard.
Display a vintage quilt on a wooden rack repurposed baby crib…
A keepsake quilt rack, compliments a vintage quilt beautfully.