Scrappy Strings Quilt For When You Can’t Bear To Throws Scraps Out

Simply Sew Strings Of Fabric Together And Make These Pretty Blocks.
There’s one mind regarding fabric scraps with quilters and that is it’s so hard to throw scraps out, and especially the strings. If you can see enough of the floral print, or a full set of stripes in that small piece of fabric, you can’t bear to throw it out. The skinny strips go into the bag. The bag gets bigger. Eventually more bags, and then a designer by the name of Evelyn Sloppy comes up with this delicious scrappy string quilt. Made from strings of homespun plaids, these crinkly soft string quilts might become one of your favorite.
Plaids showcase beautifully with this string quilt made by JulieK Quilts. The unusual string blocks are framed with nine patch cornerstones in the sashing. The design is so appealing that if you’re not that comfortable with working with homespun fabrics, use fabric of your choice, and especially if looking to use up heaps of strings. Mens plaid shirts are perfect to repurpose for this string quilt and might be ideal to provide the extra fabric should there not be enough strings in your collection.
Homespun plaids are a little different to work with since the fabric is a kind of soft weave, not as stable and firm as quilting fabric. It’s not easy to get a true cut. Anita from Margeret Mary sewed the strings onto a muslin foundation and the strings looked really bitty and spindly while working with them. You wouldn’t expect the quilt to sew up as it did. Once the blocks are pressed and squared up, they look perfect. Anita also used spray starch which helped make the press more crisp. When the quilt was washed, the plaid dried crinkly and finished up to be the softest most cuddly quilt.
Criss cross quilting over the blocks and extending passed the cornestones is just right. Strips of fabric make the perfect border.
This homespun plaid string quilt pattern was taken from Evelyn Sloppy’s Strings book from way back in 2011. The book contains sixteen patterns include fun baby quilts, plus gorgeous throws and bed quilts. The unique patterns provide a new take on this old time technique. There’s a scrappy string pattern to suit everyone in her Strings pattern collection.