Scrappy Umbrella Wall Hanging For Spring Showers

Put Your Umbrella’s On Display With A Spring Showers Wall Hanging.
There’s something jovial about umbrellas. They’re always colorful and bright and they seem to give a sense of something exciting about to happen, yet it is significant of a rainy day. It must be the fairytale in each of us that turns a dreary rainy day into something fun like this sweet colorful umbrella quilt. With these super cute umbrellas on display you will never feel grey on a rainy day again.
The cheerful ‘Spring Showers’ wall hanging is a mix of strips or squares with no need to use a stencil or applique. The prints in the fabric strips add a dimensional touch to the parasol. Make up each umbrella with fun combinations of pattern and color making this a perfect scrap buster. Choose to make the hood using strips or go scrappy using squares. No two umbrellas will look the same and you’ll have a tough time deciding which one is your favorite! I’ve already chosen the blue one.
Choose fabric that looks like raindrops for the border to complete the theme. Polka dots for the inner border are like raindrops on the window! Make the wall hanging with four umbrella’s or a mini using one block. For the single wall hanging cut the background of the block a little shorter and add a piece of fabric with flowers along the bottom. Now you have a ‘Spring showers May flowers quilt! Use sweet fabric for the border like a little girl in a raincoat dancing in the rain.
Finish the umbrellas by adding rick around the edges or even a bit of lace. Squiggly rick rack for the umbrella handle is a quick and easy finish and adds a little extra character. Hang the umbrella quilt from an iron curtain rail to display at your entrance.