Sewing Machine Cover Pattern – Snug Fit No Dust

Sewing Machine Cover Pattern Customized For Your Very Own Machine!
Using a sewing machine cover pattern is the nicest way to custom fit your machine. I also like the idea of choosing the fabric to match my sewing room. This pattern also has padding, so your machine gets the protection from bumps and knocks too. Even more, it has a quilted effect.
There are side pockets and cubbies too. Using this machine cover pattern method you’ll get a snug fit. When you’re sewing corners, bend the fabric to get the seams together. Before stitching, make sure the fabric hasn’t puckered underneath.
Clips help keep the ends together. Try adding extra pockets to the cover, applique, and buttons to decorate. The little side pockets start me off scratching around in my buttons box. Of course, a few minutes extra spent on looking at my favorites… but that’s for another day.
The cover makes a delightful Christmas gift as it can be personalized for the recipient. A fun one hour project and in no time you’ll have your sewing machine cover.Take the measurements needed for YOUR machine and translate them onto fabric to create the ‘cutesiest’ cover. This is a great beginner project and requires very little fabric, fusible fleece (or batting/felt) and a coordinating thread.
Watch this easy video pattern tutorial to make the sewing machine cover.